Contents by Section
The book is organized chronologically, laying the ethical, legal, theoretical, and philosophical groundwork in the first section; next moving through contextual, organizational, and logistical considerations; and then into the landscape of fundraising programs, donor populations, and strategies. However, there is no one “right” way to navigate through the book. The 39 chapters are organized into seven sections, each of which might be the starting or focal point, depending on the reader’s intended purposes.
Part One: Philanthropic Concepts for Fundraising
Chapter 1:
Developing a Personal Philosophy of Fundraising
Eugene R. Tempel and Sarah K. Nathan
Fundraisers are called to become reflective practitioners who can function in an everchanging and complex environment. To do so they must develop their own philosophy of fundraising, a set of guiding principles that inform one's approach to fundraising…
Chapter 2:
A Commitment to Ethical Fundraising
Anne Bergeron and Eugene R. Tempel
The authors explore the ethical practice of raising money for public sector causes. They discuss trust, which, anchors all philanthropic relationships, consider universal values that undergird moral behavior, and explain three approaches to normative philosophy…
Chapter 3:
Legal Aspects of Fundraising
Philip M. Purcell
Fundraising excellence requires adherence to the letter and spirit of legal and ethical standards. This chapter reviews the most significant legal issues for fundraisers. The legal duties of care, loyalty, and obedience relative to fundraising responsibilities and the best practices to fulfill these duties are explained…
Chapter 4:
Theory in Fundraising
Ruth K. Hansen
This chapter complements the philosophical and conceptual foundations of this volume by discussing how theory can help us better understand how and why fundraising happens. It introduces four theoretical frameworks used to explain aspects of fundraising, especially relating to donor relations and engagement…
Chapter 5:
The Joy of Giving
Sara Konrath
Many people believe that if they had more time and money, their lives would be better. In fact, scientific research finds that giving away our time and money is beneficial in many ways for givers. This chapter comprehensively reviews the effects of giving on givers, including psychological, social, and physical health outcomes…
Part Two: Contemporary Dynamics of Fundraising
Chapter 6
The Philanthropic Context for Fundraising
Pat Danahey Janin and Dwight F. Burlingame
This chapter outlines the challenges and opportunities present in the changing environment of nonprofit organizations. It begins with a brief presentation of the size and scope of the sector in the United States highlighting the growth in the number of organizations, funding, and volunteering…
Chapter 7
Fundraising in Challenging
Times: Crisis, Survival, and Transformation
Amir Pasic
Fundraising is no stranger to crisis or challenging times. Some crises are familiar and periodic, while others can represent fundamental discontinuities for society and the roles of fundraising and philanthropy. This chapter discusses leadership habits…
Chapter 8
Fundraising across Nonprofit Subsectors
Anna Pruitt
This chapter is organized around the nine subsectors used in Giving USA to draw fundraisers’ attention to specific data for each sector, to provide an analysis of upcoming trends and changes in donor behavior, and to identify the most useful approaches for fundraising by sector…
Chapter 9
Global Philanthropy and Cross-Cultural Fundraising
Charles Sellen and Lilya Wagner
Cultures influence how people relate to generosity. As a result, philanthropy varies significantly across countries worldwide, as well as among social groups within countries that are the home of highly diverse populations…
Chapter 10
Fundraising for Advocacy and Social Change
Shariq Siddiqui and Katherine Badertscher
Social movements require time, talent, and money to further their positive vision. Fundraising for advocacy and social change have helped establish important institutions essential for social movements of all kinds…
Part Three: An Organizational Foundation for Fundraising
Chapter 11
Preparing the Organization for Fundraising
Jane Chu
Active fundraising extends beyond making a simple request for a donation. A successful nonprofit organization understands that donors pay attention to how well key components within the organization operate. This chapter identifies those components…
Chapter 12
Building a Comprehensive Fundraising Program
Jeri-Patricia Gabbert and Paula J. Jenkins
A comprehensive fundraising program can enable an organization to further its mission by raising philanthropic dollars. This chapter discusses the tools and resources focused on an organization’s willingness to create a multidisciplined process to raise funds…
Chapter 13
Articulating a Case for Support
Timothy L. Seiler
This chapter provides an overview of the process of building a case for support and then fashioning discrete case statements for specific fundraising purposes and vehicles. The case is essentially the database of information explaining a nonprofit’s worthiness for philanthropic support…
Chapter 14
Identifying and Qualifying Potential Donors
Catherine Brown and LaKoya S. Gardner
Identifying and qualifying donors begins internally, working with those most closely connected to the organization or mission, then progresses outward. The constituency model helps development professionals analyze constituencies of donors…
Chapter 17
Integrating Principles of Donor Relations
Patrick C. Dwyer and Susan B. Perry
This chapter integrates principles of donor relations and considers their importance to the operation of a successful fundraising program. implementing intentional strategies that carefully consider the donor helps to create a rich culture of donor engagement…
Chapter 15
Budgeting and Evaluation in Fundraising
Erik J. Daubert
By taking the time to learn and develop strong fundraising budgets and evaluation systems that are built on good fundamental practices, concepts, and tools, a nonprofit can maximize its fundraising capacity and improve overall fundraising results in significant ways...
Chapter 16
Marketing for Strategic Fundraising
Aja May Pirtle and Margaret M. Maxwell
Marketing builds strong relationships between an organization and its associated stakeholders. This chapter explores how marketers complement the work nonprofit fundraisers do to build and strengthen relationships with donors…
Part Four: The Fundraising Team
Chapter 18
Fundraisers: Stewards of Philanthropy
Genevieve G. Shaker and Sarah K. Nathan
Driven by mission, equipped with industry knowledge and research, and guided by a duty to social responsibility, the fundraising field is ever evolving to meet nonprofit and community needs. Fundraisers facilitate charitable giving but are understudied and often underappreciated for their contributions to philanthropy…
Chapter 19
Fundraising Planning, Management, and Leadership
Bill Stanczykiewicz
While fundraising is a management function, effective fundraisers also are leaders regardless of their title or their position within the nonprofit’s organizational chart. Management tasks include designing a comprehensive fundraising plan describing goals, prospective donors (individuals, foundations, and corporations)…
Chapter 20
Engaging the Board for Fundraising
M. Gasby Brown
Engaging the board in fundraising is an essential element of a nonprofit organization’s success and sustainability. By laying out specific steps in recruiting and retaining outstanding board members, the stage is set to effectively request generous gifts from board members. Probing questions and tools are included…
Chapter 21
Working with Volunteer Fundraisers
Tyrone McKinley Freeman and Beth Breeze
Through their freely chosen and uncompensated involvement, volunteers embody passion and commitment to the cause, which is inspirational to potential donors and adds special value to fundraising efforts. Volunteers can offer practical help with fundraising tasks and linkages to prospective donors…
Part Five: Building and Supporting the Donor Base
Chapter 22
The Annual Giving Program
Sarah K. Nathan
A robust annual giving program that welcomes and celebrates gifts of all sizes is essential for every nonprofit organization. First time, repeated, and upgraded gifts that come through the mail, online, or in person at a special event comprise elements of the annual fund, with leadership level annual giving also a consideration...
Chapter 23
Crafting Compelling Appeals
Heather A. O’Connor
A compelling appeal serves as more than a solicitation–it educates constituencies about programs and services, illustrates impact, shares stories that emotionally engage donors, and helps to build a positive public image of the organization. The term "appeal" in this chapter refers to any communication…
Chapter 24
Developing Digital Fundraising Strategies
Nathan Hand and Yannan Li
Digital fundraising is one of the fastest growing mediums for organizations to connect with supporters. It is also among the fastest changing with the constant development of new technologies allowing people to find, select, and support missions at the tap of a finger...
Chapter 25
Planning Events with Purpose
Roberta L. Donahue and Caitlin Deranek Stewart
Well-designed special events are valuable for organizations and can strengthen community awareness and philanthropic support for the mission. This chapter shows how events can be flexible, creative opportunities serving numerous purposes including cultivation, solicitation, and stewardship.
Part Six: Engaging the Diversity of Individual Donors
Chapter 26
Understanding Individual Donors
Pamala Wiepking
Philanthropic giving is a deeply personal act. Charitable donations are the result of many factors, including the resources that people have access to, their personal motivations and values, but also their social interactions and the context in which people make their giving decisions…
Chapter 27
The Role of Religion in Giving
David P. King and Rafia Khader
Though the number of Americans who affiliate with a particular religious tradition has decreased over the past few decades, religious and spiritual beliefs continue to serve as a primary motivation for charitable giving overall…
Chapter 28
Women and Philanthropy
Jeannie Infante Sager and Debra J. Mesch
Women around the world are more influential than ever before and are using their increasing wealth to catalyze social change. While women's resources are increasing, there is still tremendous room for growth in their giving. Research from the Women’s Philanthropy Institute shows that the practice of philanthropy is not gender neutral.…
Chapter 29
Philanthropy among Communities of Color
Una Osili and Sarah King Bhetaria
This chapter explores the context of ethnic and racial diversity and focuses on “communities of color” or minority populations including African American or Black, Hispanic or Latinx, Asian American or Asian/Pacific Islander, and American Indian or Native American peoples…
Chapter 32
High-Net Worth Household Giving Insights
Patrick Rooney, Kidist Yasin, and Lijun He
This chapter documenting philanthropic behaviors of affluent people, described here as High Net Worth Households (HNWHs), an important population for nonprofits and fundraisers. It is based on a nationally representative survey…
Chapter 30
LGBTQ Philanthropy
Elizabeth J. Dale
As interest in diversifying fundraising efforts has grown, so too has research that examines the practices of specific identity-based communities. One group that is receiving increased attention is lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer donors who comprise a diverse and active donor constituency…
Chapter 31
Differentiating Generations and Their Giving
Patricia Snell Herzog
How much do Americans from different generations give to charitable causes? To answer this question, this chapter begins by situating philanthropic behavior within historical, social, and technological changes segmenting one generation from the next...
Part Seven: Strategies for Major Donors and Institutional Funders
Chapter 33
Co-creating Major Gifts
Maarten Bout and James M. Hodge
Transformational gifts are the result of deliberate and personalized work by a fundraiser deepening the relationship between a benefactor, a nonprofit and an important and compelling idea worthy of investment. Excellent major gift work allows organizations and benefactors to enter a partnership…
Chapter 34
The Invitation to Give
Genevieve G. Shaker
Major gift fundraising is increasingly important to all nonprofits, large and small and with missions of all kinds. This chapter focuses on donors with the capacity to make large gifts and on inviting those gifts in person. Most major gifts are made following a fundraiser-executed, step-by-step engagement program…
Chapter 35
Campaign Essentials
Aaron Conley
Campaigns have served for more than a century as essential fundraising tools for nonprofits to address critical priorities. They have also grown in size and complexity as continuous advancements in data management and digital communications technologies have enabled organizations to share their case for support…
Chapter 36
Planned Giving Principles
Russell N. James III
Planned giving provides powerful, and sometimes complex, methods for donors to give. The array of options–estate gifts, charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts, charitable lead trusts, and more–can sometimes be intimidating. But understanding the concepts behind these instruments can help fundraisers provide real value to donors and nonprofits…
Chapter 39
Business Sector Fundraising
Dwight F. Burlingame and Bill Stanczykiewicz
This chapter focuses on fundraising from the business sector, an essential activity within a nonprofit’s overall fundraising plan. Corporate charitable giving gained traction in the twentieth century as federal laws and court rulings provided guidelines and regulations for private sector philanthropy…
Chapter 37
Donor-Advised Fund (DAF) Basics
Danielle Vance-McMullen and H. Daniel Heist
Donor-advised funds (DAFs) are the fastest growing form of giving in the United States (National Philanthropic Trust, 2019) and they are changing the way many donors give to charity. While DAFs offer many benefits to donors, they can present challenges to traditional fundraising methods…
Chapter 38
Overview of Grantmaking Foundations
Pat Danahey Janin and Angela R. Logan
The number of U.S. grant-making foundations and the amount they give have steadily increased since the late twentieth century. The foundation landscape is diverse and made up of private foundations categorized as independent, operating, corporate, and community foundations…